S-94 English Spelling 500 Chart A4 (Two-sided deskchart for Individuals or Groups)
- On the Lists Side, the 500 basewords have been arranged in 49 word lists.
- Spell these 500 basewords - the 100 Hotwords (the first 10 lists), 120 Keywords (the next eight lists) and the '280words' (the final 31 lists) by first saying the word and then ‘Visualising & Naming’ all the letters in it. To visualise/picture a group of spellings (a syllable, consonant blend or rhyme) or a particular spelling (be it a keyspelling or non-keyspelling), form the letters in the air several times and name them (or trace over the letters or write the letters). Do this until you can name all the letters in the group or spelling, and then all the letters in the word - and without undue hesitation.
- On the Alphabetical Side, the 500 basewords have been arranged in alphabetical order.
- English has 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 and 4-1 spellings. Consonant spellings are blue. Vowel spellings are red. Letters with More Then One sound are black, as are the syllable-hyphens and apostrophes.
- 2 or 3 blue spellings together in 1 syllable are a consonant blend (indicated by the blue sound dots). The rhymes (the vowel and any consonants) are underlined.
- Full colour, two-sided (tumble turn), A4 chart. Encapsulated 300gsm gloss card.